Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Context, Brief and Rationale


Medical centres are not the most interesting of places or the nicest due to the nature of them (people are generally not happy who go as they are not well). There is also a lot of waiting around in medical centres, therefore to keep the customers entertained and educated at the same time adverts and information are placed on the TV screens. Customers do tend to read it as they don’t tend to talk to other people. A good way of educating about these issues is through visually watching as they don’t have to actually do anything themselves such as read.
A health problem I have come across, personally and from talking to friends living away from home on a budget is the problem of healthy eating. Many people find it difficult to eat healthily whilst at university for the simple fact of little money and the time and effort to make food. Although many students are aware that they do need to try and eat healthily, thinking and actually acting upon this are two different things. Furthermore, moving to university gives you a new found freedom to do what you want, therefore at times you need to re-evaluate your lifestyle, and change to make it more healthier. Although there is a lot of information on the internet on healthy eating, it takes a while to read through it therefore many people can’t be bothered or miss out certain aspects of information, when really they need to know it all.


To create a short stop motion animation that is light hearted and aesthetically appealing to students. It should attract the audience to watch it to make students aware of simple ways to eat healthily.


To create a short stop motion animation that is light hearted and aesthetically appealing to students. It should attract the audience to watch it to make students aware of simple ways to eat healthily.
Key research findings:
·         Look at the human body and its movements closely when creating your stop motion.
·         Have a clear, structured story behind your stop motion
·         Students know what healthy eating is it is achieving it that is the problem.
·         The students don’t want to sit for a long time watching the same thing, therefore keep it short.
I will approach the brief with a clear aim of learning a new skill for myself, yet also engaging with my audience constantly to make sure what I am doing is effective and useful, therefore fulfilling the brief. I am going to research through experimentation as to what medium I am going to use for my stop motion, this is the main decision I need to make. Another decision I need to make is also what information is going to be included in my stop motion.
As I have approximately nine weeks to complete this brief, I am planning on for the first three weeks thoroughly investigating through experimentation different mediums to use for my stop motion. Alongside this I will continue to talk to my audience to find out what information they want to know to place in the stop motion. If I feel I am confident with a number of different ways to produce my stop motion I may give my audience the opportunity to have a say into the most suitable medium, however I feel as I have never created a piece of stop motion before it shall be me who makes this decision. Once I have this information I will then narrow it down if needs be to a reasonable amount of information to put into my stop motion. Meanwhile I will create a thoroughly detailed story board. Again consulting my audience all the time through the process into whether they think the information is suitable in terms of content and size.

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